This copy of the rules is provided here for convenience. Should there be a conflict between what is published here and the rules published on Motorsport South Africa’s website, the rules published on MSA’s website will prevail.

Regulations and Specifications for the 2019 Extreme Supercars National Challenge Championship (161712)


Extreme Supercars is a category of circuit car racing conceived and promoted by Zwartkops. The aim is to provide a high-end racing series for GT cars incorporating high-performance saloon cars (mainly ex-production cars) which is the main attraction for the spectators at the Extreme Festivals. At present, the overall championship is based on Time-Based classes but the long-term objective is to have a balance between Time-Based classes and Power-to-Weight homologated classes competing for the overall championship.

1) Objective

1.1 To provide racing that is rewarding for the competitor and sponsor, and exciting for the spectator.
1.2 To showcase modern cars and recognizable brands.
1.3 To each year declare a class winner for each class, an overall winner and an overall GT3 winner

2) Eligibility of Competitor

2.1 Extreme Supercars is an invitation series where the Extreme Supercar committee (the committee) reserves the right to accept or decline any entry. All Competitors must hold a current regional circuit racing MSA license. All competitors/participants in the series have to be Extreme Supercar club members

3) Eligibility of Vehicle

3.1 Extreme Supercars is an invitation series where the Extreme Supercar committee reserves the right to accept or decline any entry. Vehicles will be considered based on the following criteria:
3.1.1 The vehicle must be based on a production model (no spaceframe racing specials);
3.1.2 The vehicle must be a GT car or high performance saloon car;
3.1.3 Production saloon cars (PC) must still have been in production post 1 January 1999 unless recognized by the committee as an iconic car, all GT cars must still have been in production post 1 January 1992 unless recognized by the committee as an iconic car;
3.1.4 Saloon cars must have a minimum weight of over 1100kgs (including driver), lightweight GT cars must have a minimum weight of 900kgs (including driver).
3.1.5 The following cars are specifically not eligible for Extreme Supercars: Front wheel drive hatchbacks.
3.2 All vehicles must meet MSA circuit racing safety requirements. (i.e. Roll cage, fire extinguisher, etc)
3.3 The Table below summarizes the eligibility criteria:

GT CarsProduction Cars
No space frames unless original chassis. Roof, floor plan & chassis must be of original material.No space frames. Roof, floor plan & chassis must be of original material.
Must have working headlights and taillights.Must have working headlights and taillights.
2 door and must be functional doors (KTM X-Bow excepted)2 and 4 doors and front doors must be functional
In production post 1 January 1992. Plus Porsche 911, 944 & Porsche 928 and pre-1992 Ferraris.In production post 1 January 1999 unless recognized by the committee as an iconic car.
Cars Specifically not eligible: Porsche 924Cars specifically not eligible: VW Golf Mk1 and Mk2; Toyota Tazz
GT Eligibility ListProduction Car Eligibility List
Porsche 964, GT2, GT3, Boxter & Cayman, 997TE36, E46, E90 BMW
Ferrari 355, 360 & 430Audi A4
KTM X-BowSubaru
Dodge ViperNissan 350Z
Lotus ExigeLexus 250iS
Corvette c5 & c6
GT Bodied Merc 55, 63 AMG
GT Bodied BMW E46 & E92 M3, F30, M Coupe
GT Bodied Subaru WRX, Alfa GT
944, 928, 964, 911 Porsches
Nissan GTR 32, 33, 34, 35
Bailey Ford GT
GT Bodied Nissan 350Z

4) Classes

4.1 The committee will decide in which class/classes a competitor will compete
4.2 The committee shall have the right to change a competitor’s class in their sole discretion at any time 4.3 Class allocation will be done according to the guidelines set out below:
4.4 Time based classes:
4.4.1 There are six classes as follows:

Class A+1m01.0s1m11.0s1m46.0s
Class GT361.0s; BOP71.0s; BOP 106.0s; BOP
Class A1m02.5 – 1m04.01m13.01m49.5
Class B1m04.0 – 1m06.01m15.01m52.0
Class C1m06.0 – 1m08.01m17.51m56.0
Class D1m08.0 – 1m11.01m20.02m00.0

4.4.2 A new competitor will be allocated to a time based class after race 1. This will be based on his/her best lap time in qualifying and race 1.
4.4.3 Only lap times achieved at Zwartkops, Cape Town and Kyalami will be taken into account for class determination. At the other circuits class times will be posted on the official notice board.

What happens on breakout?

4.4.4 Once allocated to a class the competitor remains in that class unless he/she breaks out or applies to the committee to change class.
4.4.5 A class change to a higher class will be immediate upon breaking the lap time for the class for classes A- D.
For example: if you are in class B and you record a time in qualifying, race1 or race2 faster than 1m4.5s you will automatically move up a class to class A and be scored as such for the day.
4.4.6 A Competitor may after the race meeting apply to the committee in writing, supported by good reason, to change from a higher class back to a lower class for the following event (ie from Class B to Class C). The same immediate breakout rule (4.4.5 above) will still apply.

5) Championship Scoring

5.1 Points will be scored for each race separately and for each class separately. The points awarded will vary according to the number of competitors per class, as follows:
3 competitors or more in class: 10 8 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 or 2 competitors in a class: 6 5
5.1.1 The overall race winner will score an additional 1 point per race.
5.2 All other competitors classified as finishers in the results published by the organisers of the meeting get 1 point.
5.3 All competitors at an event will score additional points for partaking in an event as follows: a competitors 1st event= +1 additional point; 2nd event = +2 additional points; 3rd event = +3 additional points; up to a maximum of 6 additional points per event.
5.3.1 Away points will be scored at 10 points per event for a competitor’s first 2 away events (i.e a maximum of 20 additional points). PE and CT counted as one area, PTA and JHB counted as one area.
5.4 To qualify to score points you have to complete a lap in any official timed session of the race meeting (practice, warm up, qualifying or a lap in either race).
Class changes
5.4.1 If a competitor changes class then based on the below table he/she will carry the specified percentage of points to the higher class. This does not affect points scored towards the overall championship

EventPoints percentage carried
At or before 4th Event100%
5th Event90%
6th Event75%
7th Event65%
8th Event or later0% Still count in the prev class, new points scored count in new class

Example: A competitor usually competes in class C but exceeds the maximum lap time at the fifth event which puts them into class B. The competitor will carry 90% of his/her points into class B.

5.5 All races score points and count towards the overall championship.

6) Grids and Starts

6.1 Qualifying will determine the grid for race1. The fastest lap in race1 will determine the grid for race2.
6.2 A competitor who does not set a time in race1 may apply to start at the back of the class.
6.3 All starts are rolling starts.
6.4 No overtaking is allowed before the start line of the race. This will be monitored using the timing system. Contravention of this rule will result in the offending competitor receiving a 15 sec jump start penalty added to their race time.

7) Trophies

7.1 Although points will be scored on a per race basis, trophies are awarded on the combined race times of race 1 and race 2 (or race 3 in the event that there are three races on a day).

8) No Bumping Yellow Card System

8.1 Extreme Supercars is a NO BUMPING series and as such yellow cards will be given to competitors who contact other cars in any official timed session (race/Qualifying/warm up). Yellow cards will be given to competitors who are deemed, by the Extreme Supercar committee, guilty of unsporting behavior. Unsporting behavior includes contact between cars in a race. A competitor will receive one yellow card per incident and therefore may receive more than one card in any official timed session.
8.2 It is the duty of every competitor to report any contact with another competitor’s car to a committee member within 30 minutes after the end of a race.
8.3 The Committee reserves the right to investigate any incident and issue yellow cards at its discretion.
8.4 If a driver is contacted in front of the rear wheel, both drivers may receive a yellow card regardless of guilt. 8.5 If a car is contacted on or behind the rear wheel, the incident will be investigated and a yellow card might not be given; the discretion of the committee will be used.
8.6 If a competitor receives a yellow card he or she will be penalised as follows:

1st yellow card: less 1 championship point
2nd yellow card: less an additional 2 championship points
3rd yellow card: less an additional 4 championship points
4th yellow card: less an additional 8 points championship points + possible suspension for the remainder of the championship

8.7 The committee decision is final.

9) Number of starters

9.1 If there are less than 20 starters the committee may decide to combine the Extreme Supercar race with another category to increase the spectator appeal on the day.

10) Tyres

10.1 For each event a competitor must use the same set of tyres in qualifying and the races. In the event of a puncture or major tyre destruction a competitor may apply in writing to the committee to replace 2 tyres.

10) Additions and Amendments

10.1 Any provision unforeseen in drawing up these regulations and specifications, or any additions or amendments to be made thereto, shall be the subject of a circular to these rules, issued by the Extreme Supercar Committee.

11) Addendum

Extreme Supercars Break-out adjustments for class A+ and GT3

11.1 The committee reserves the right to implement performance balancing for cars that break the cut-off time set out in table 4.4.1 above. Set out below is the agreed Beak-out adjustments:

When a GT3 competitor breaks a 1m01.0s for the first time then the car needs to comply to either restrictors or min weight at the next event. When a GT3 competitor breaks 1m01.0s for a second time then the car needs to comply to both power and weight limits from the next event. See below table:

FIA homMakeModelkg exDmmPboost limit
GT3-032Aston MartinVantage126041.5
GT3-017AudiLMS Ultra126054
GT3-038AudiR8 LMS121038
GT3-025Porsche911 GT3-R119072

Class A+ break-out penalties

If a competitor breaks out in race 1/2 the following grid place penalty for race 2/3 will apply:

Break-outGrid penalty
Best lap below 1m01.0s+3
Below 1m01.0s and wins by more than 10 sec+2
Maximum grid penalty+5